How to identify your competitive advantage

This week, I want you to ask yourself one question.

A question that could help you identify your competitive advantage in the world of insurance.

Read time: 1 min 45 sec

Some people are “hustlers”.

They pound the pavement every day, looking for new clients, asking for referrals, calling people in their network, knocking on doors.

As much as I’ve wanted to be a “hustler” at times, I’ve come to realize it’s not me.

You see, I’m an incredibly hard worker. I work a lot. Sometimes too much.

But I spend most of my time looking for ways to make my work-hours go farther in the long run.

Instead of thinking “what can I do today to generate immediate results”, I think “what can I build today that will automatically generate more results for me tomorrow?

For me, this looks less like:

  • Cold calls

  • Door knocking

  • Networking events

And more like:

  • Marketing funnels

  • Sales systems

  • Content creation

If I had to choose between:

  1. Spending 1 unit of time for 1 unit of progress now

  2. Spending 100 unit of time for 100,000 units of progress 5 years in the future

I choose #2 every time.

Neither strategy is right or wrong!

Self-awareness is all that matters.

Trying to get a hustler to sit down and build systems is hard.

Trying to get a systems-builder to “hustle” is hard.

But pair them up and they will conquer the world.

Imagine a team of hustlers plugged into an impeccable system.

Leads come in every day on autopilot through a marketing funnel system.

Then, the hustlers work their magic to create the sale.

Once the client has bought in, the hustler passes the client into a “customer success” system, where each move has been choreographed to reinforce their decision - the opposite of buyer’s remorse.

After reading countless books on successful businesses, this is how they scale.

It’s like a conveyor belt, using everyone’s strengths to create an unforgettable customer experience.

Your competitive advantage

Ask yourself one question today:

Which fills my cup more:

Going out every day and getting after it?

Or spending extra time now piecing together a system that will work for me in the future?

Once you have an answer, surround yourself with people that are the opposite.

As a builder, building is my competitive advantage.

I won’t “out-hustle” the hustlers, and the hustlers won’t “out-build” me.

Why not team up and make some magic?

Hope that helps!

See you in a week.



What is this newsletter?

I’m Braden, a marketing professional turned insurance broker. Each week, I document lessons learned as I build my insurance business in real-time.


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